Rome, 15 – 18 May 2019
Annual Convention
Towards the next decade, together
In collaboration with

About FEBA Annual Convention 2019
FEBA Annual Convention 2019 was organised in. collaboration with Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus and took place on 15-18 May 2019 in Rome, Italy.
FEBA Annual Convention 2019 brought together more than 100 participants from 31 countries, including food bankers, policy-makers, business partners, leading experts and other NGO representatives.
The title of FEBA Annual Convention 2019 was “Towards the next decade, together” with the explicit intent to address the future of Food Banks in Europe.
It also focused on the importance of strengthening ties within our network and with all relevant stakeholders – public institutions, food supply chain, and other NGOs. It was the occasion to share existing knowledge and best practice and to identify future goals and actions which can concretely contribute to the achievement of the UN SDGs, in particular the target 12.3.
“The context of Food Banks is changing: the landscape for food redistribution is evolving due to many factors including a growing focus on circular economy, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, manufacturing advances and innovations, increased attention on nutrition and health, technology and digital transformation, and a stronger interest in public-private partnerships in order to build a more resilient food system. The European Food Banks Federation wants to play a key role in the challenges ahead and our Annual Convention will be the place to discuss and define the future of the European Food Banks together with our members and partners.”
Jacques Vandenschrik – President, European Food Banks Federation
“On the occasion of its Annual Convention, we are honored to welcome the European Food Banks Federation. This event coincides with the celebrations for our 30thanniversary at the time when we see the importance of the work and the presence of Food Banks in Europe and in the world. Considering their impressive impact on hunger and food waste reduction, Food Banks can play a vital role in creating a more sustainable, fair and equitable society. Despite cultural differences and operational models, 24 countries prove to be able to work together for the same purpose. This is a real Europe”.
Andrea Giussani – President, Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus
The programme
In the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically the SDG target 12.3, on 15 May the traditional FEBA Annual Convention was introduced by the 1st International Meeting “Achieving together the SDG 12.3 – Concrete actions preventing food waste”. It was a concrete opportunity to take stop of food waste prevention initiatives that have been implemented by aggregating the results obtained in the different countries.
In the evening, participants celebrated the 30th anniversary of Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus.
On 16 and 17 May the FEBA Annual Convention 2019 focused on the future of Food Banks in Europe: “Toward the next decade together“. The aim was to have an open discussion on the main challenges taking place at global level (THINK GLOBAL), to understand their wide-ranging implications at the local level (ACT LOCAL) and to explore how to best harness such changes for the benefit of European Food Banks (SHARE GLOBAL). Participants had the opportunity to intervene in the working tables and insights were much appreciated to enrich the debate.
Finally, on 18 May participants had the possibility to attend a private audience wth His Holiness Pope Francis.
The venue
15 May – 1st International Meeting “Working together to achieve SDG 12.3 – Concrete actions preventing food waste”
FAO, Sheikh Zaheed Auditorium, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome
16-17 May – FEBA Annual Convention 2019, including FEBA General Assemblies
Villa Aurelia, Via Leone XIII 459 – 00165, Rome
18 May – Private Audience with His Holiness Pope Francis
Palazzo Apostolico, Sala Clementina, 00120 Vatican City
FEBA already reserved rooms for participants in FEBA Annual Convention 2019 at Villa Aurelia and Casa San Juan de Avila hotel.
About the European Food Banks Federation
The European Food Banks Federation (FEBA) is a European umbrella non-profit organization and works in collaboration with 24 full members and 5 associate members in European countries.
For 33 years, FEBA mission has consisted in representing its membership at European and international level, supporting and strengthening food banks in Europe by providing training, sharing best practice and knowledge, and developing partnerships, and fostering the creation of new food banks.
FEBA brings together 421 food banks and branches which are committed to fight against food waste and to feed the most deprived. Our members provide 4.3 million meals each day to 9.3 million most deprived people through 45,700 charitable organizations thanks to the professionalism of 31,700 co-workers (85% volunteers).
In addition to surplus food from the food supply chain, FEBA members also redistribute food from the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) and the Fruits and Vegetables withdrawal scheme, as well as from individual donations.